Usually the only positive black couple on television that people can readily name are the Cosby's. Now we are able to add one more couple to the list. Michelle and Barack exemplify the ultimate power couple to me. It is evident in their interaction with one another how genuine their relationship is. The camera's can only catch what is being displayed especially, if it is a candid shot, which most of the pictures of Michelle and Barack are. Stereotypes are being challenged every time the president and his wife step in front of a camera. They are not fighting nor cursing each other out. Barack has 2 children which are both by Michelle. This may seem a little strange that I am using those as examples but that is what is commonly thought of when thinking of a black couple.
The view of African American women in the mainstream media will also be altered by the presence of Michelle Obama. Michelle will provide a much needed positive role model for African American young girls. It has been long over due for a counter against the video vixens of rap videos. The role of media in the lives of young people is evident so I believe that the site of Michelle Obama by some little girl will alter her perspective of herself that will ultimately change how she lives her life, what she hopes for, and how much self esteem she will have. You can call me an optimist, but these type's of images can often shape a culture.
President Obama himself is also a figure in the black love. He represents something that is rare in the media's eyes. He is a black man, who is married to the mother of his two children. He is not afraid to show attention to his wife in the public eye, which is often seen as a problem for black men. President Obama is also taking care of his children while with their mother. A stereotype of black males is that they are not married to their children's mother's and are " dead beat dad's. President Obama is exactly the opposite, a much needed portrait in the black community.
Together, President Obama and First Lady Michelle are a role model for black couples. When looking at them in the public eye, aspiring couples should see something like a prototype for their relationship. Although I do not know what goes on behind closed doors, from the outside looking in, they seem very supportive of one another. Black couples should be able to work through issues and stay together and build stable families for their children. One look at statistics and you will know that presently this is not the case.
One can only hope that black couples will take their cue from the Obama's and change how they view themselves and how the world see's them.
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