I have only been out of college 1 year now but I think I have had enough bosses to know what works and doesnt works as far as bosses and Business Etiquette are concerned. Here are my top tips that buisness professionals should consider, think about, and act upon. To some business professionals these little tips may seem second nature and might almost be a " DUH" moment but don't shoot the messenger.
DO NOT go crazy over putting things into a computer system only. I have been in plenty of situations with power failures, computer gliches, virus attacks, etc. Everything should be on paper first so that refence will always be there,
EMPLOYEES paychecks should NEVER bounce!!!!! This signals to your team that something major is wrong with management. Employees look for stability in jobs too and this is a major situation that screams " RUN!"
DO NOT TAKE personal/cell phone calls while in meetings with clients, collegues, or employees. We honestly don't want to hear it and its simply RUDE! Now they have to wait until you are finish with your conversation to get back to business.
ALWAYS keep a reliable IT person. Most businesses rely on technology to do the most basic job functions. If your printer, desktop, phones, email, or copier fails and is not fixed immediately....YOUR COMPANY WILL SLOWLY BECOME MORE UNPRODUCTIVE AND INEFFICIENT!
If you have weakeness, HIRE somebody else to do that weakness for you. If you can't afford seek help( free workshops, self-help books) and GET IT DONE RIGHT!
Thats all for now and remember don't get offended I am just a Rookie! LOL